Thursday, May 17, 2012

There is a season when individuals' nerves need to become irritated sufficiently to prompt the tipping point throughout society ... to wake up, to begin to pay closer attention to current facts:
  • not "tribe" interpretation of facts, 
  • nor regurgitation of past facts as if they are still current facts, 
  • nor holding onto how we thought is was when we stopped paying close attention.

We need to remain irritated long enough to expand our field of attention, generate  an internally mobilized energy geared to reconsiderlisten between the lines (i.e. connect the dots). 

Making our living in a complex society, we look for ways to simplify the number of decisions, people, and ideas we encounter in a day.  In this process, we HABITUATE.  While some habituation is necessary to conserve sanity, habituating to many subtle but progressive changes that ultimately wreck havoc with viability itself is a risk best not calculated unconsciously.

WHEN WE KNOW our lives are at stake, we wake up fast. We function according to the truth we are made of, instantly.  Once that's happened, we tend to remind ourselves periodically to make the time and space to renew and regather our old-fashioned hard-earned common sensibilities ... the likes of with which we are born.  

Sometimes though, through the normal process of habituating, we "learn" to transfer our responsibility for tracking where we are in the "woulds of life" to others (who apparently or professionally) claim to make "our making it" their life's purpose (author, authorize, authority).  We do this with our parents (as children), so we own a longstanding (and mostly successful) internal framework for extrapolating "authorship" later ... down the road.  Perhaps, we shouldn't go quite that far without regular check points (like we do in our healthy relationships).  We always retain the copyright -aka "responsibility" for our life choices and how we made them (...or "let" our many different tribal  affiliations lead the way, and have to restrict or restructure affiliations down the road).

Our nation's unique melting pot culture is really quite young relatively speaking.  And we have unwittingly cultivated over the past sixty years - through our post-WWII family systems headed by Great Depression parents, "Progressive-Gone Permissive TV & educational systems, and Advertising-Dominated Consumer mentalities a wild bunch of unruly perspectives and expectations.

I am very grateful that I can afford time and talents to illuminate patterns that bubble and brew both behind the scenes and around the rhetoric of the White House, Congress, Bundling Corporations, and Wall Street.  Discerning whose in bed with whom ...and when...and why -is not an easy task for most Americans earning their daily bread.  I understand that fully -and lived that level of reality.  When I was out in the world of work  I trusted that my labor union's interpretation and presentation of political positioning matched principles I espoused.  I didn't think there was need to deeply question their underlying motivations, ethics, portrayals.  I allowed rhetoric well crafted and carefully delivered to move I did before knowing better with Proctor & Gamble.

I was wrong to trust the appearance of reliable information put forth by "machinery."  Institutions, and labels for institutions, morph.  They develop, reconstitute, become more essentially what constitutes them at their core.  When flaws are accrued during development (of both individuals and institutions) those FLAWS ultimately reveal themselves through PATTERNS OF THINKING, PATTERNS OF RELATING, PATTERNS OF PROBLEMS ACHIEVING PROMISES.  These patterns reveal themselves -when we are willing to look through "what if" lenses.

So I have compassion for all those who come after me thinking similar thoughts, expecting the same authenticity, trusting claims of altruistic "fair play, fair share, transparency." Patterns detected? Crocks of Mayor Daley-style Obama-speak.    My intention in using electronic writing avenues is much like what we advocate for muscles when they suffer on-going inflammation:

  1. break the cycle of idolatry (Commandments 1 and 2) 
  2. disturb the steady flow of "money-changing and money-laundering"  within temples of consciousness among many forms of those who have in the past voted Democrat (Commandments 3 and 4)
  3. pull back curtains hung to hide machinations of Mayor Daley's Chicago-dirty politics  (Commandments 8, 9, 10)

If just a few good and ready minds and hearts wake up before it's too late to conserve and preserve America, I have met my call.  This shouldn't surprise anyone who knows's how I felt and why I worked altruistically in the schools of Harlem, Commerce City, and  Brownsville.  I still hear from the many of the teachers I steadied, kept sane, and encouraged to survive then grow beyond machinations known to breed slow, insidious, but certain discouragement and depression of potentially powerful human spirits.  Unhealthy family systems promote victimization, discord, and dependency.  Bureaucracies smother, separate, and discourage enterprising industry, self efficacy, and contirubtions of creative intelligence.  The only race we have is the human race  meant for good, designed for truth, activated by an entirely different set of principles than I see in Washington and the White House now.

Let's talk about the "rewiring" needed.  Here's a venue of intentional design ...

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