Thursday, June 30, 2011

Detecting the Seeds of Matured Qualities

The Universe according to TUT is absolutely brilliant!

Today's guidance offered the seed of discretion ...for the quality of VALOR
Th seed of spontaneity for the quality of BRILLIANCE
AND imagination for MAKING our DREAMS come true!

Try it...and come on back and talk about our findings!

Friday, June 3, 2011

medicine cat den - waterclan

medicine cat den - waterclan

Love herbs? Love cats? Visit this site~

Total Body Cleanse

Total Body Cleanse
Every body needs time off! Every body part could say, "Me too!"
Unplug from the socket, take a break, leave the cell phone in a drawer, forget to check email for the weekend...enough is enough.
We are human beings, being human means being organic, holistic, instinctual ... not being mechanical.
So unplug on all levels regularly!