Sunday, March 18, 2012

Being Rewired means...

Human nature, fully activated through the right kind of stimulation and support, can move each one of us into unabashed and unbridled REWIREMENT.

BEING REWIRED encourages thought and action designed to better stimulate and support individual development of internal resources from the inside out.

We are emerging from a model of thought, action, and social system many of us have outgrown in our personal lives.  Our public lives however haven't yet caught up.  This common denominator -one size fits all thinking - shows up through an artifact called bureaucracy.  The bureaucracy, institutionalized  around us, rears its horrid head through the games too many people still play "at-large" ... in the courts, six o'clock news, political hacks, marketplaces,  and through administrative offices of all sorts.

Industrial age-fostered bureaucracy is manufactured... and man-made machines only do what they are designed to do.  Social machines are no different.  Machines by design limit. We see the unfortunate proliferation of manufactured social machines all around.  We must keep in mind and in our forums together They do not allow for the diversity, the richness of human intelligence, human ingenuity.  Machines are limited, and thus limit.   Machines work supurbly for manufacturing identical products,  brass instruments for instance, but machines, even large complex ones called "institutions," wreck havoc when controlling/shaping human potential from the outside in! 

Unenlightened (or underenlightened, early stage) stewarding of our human potential  led to the proliferation of institutions (e.g. schools, government branches and prestigious positions) that now derive continuation through ever-expansion of powers to legislate our growth and development.  Asking institutions to generate self-reliance and responsible expansion is no more reasonable than to ask a rock to spring water.   Pushing and pulling growth and development from intelligent individual human beings requires significant systems of coersion through a punisment and external reward system.  Here's true progressivism:  Intelligent, creative development (along with reliable internal regulation of impulses) is inspired ... and generated from the inside out!

Bureaucratic stimulation operates in opposition to health-raised human nature.  That is,  bureaucratic imposition operates on people from the outside in.  Over the past fifty years, we've experienced a viral-like spread of government-sourced bureaucracy in our marketplaces: farming and food agencies, schools and education, information distributiion and media, small and corporate businesses, conservation of natural and human resources, and now healthcare.

On the other hand, LOCAL generated stimulation and support for individuals sustains authentic human generativity and responsiblity because the more local the stimulus and support the more closely it matches the strengths and addresses the needs of each individual.   Nothing is more local than each individual growing from the inside out! This is why in the marketplace (schools included) coaching and mentoring brings about the greatest and most reliable achievement students of all ages, as well as teachers, administrators, and yes ... parents!

Being Rewired is a model of thought and action based upon the growing support and direction from neuropsychology: the human brain with the right stimulation and support rewires itself to creatively meet challenges old thinking never thought possible. bureacracies grew out of control in the era of Father Knows Best.  Institutions ultimately, like giant egos, strive to expand their own livelihood.  They grow top heavy among the "elite."  They strive to expand their control over the masses emplyed in their service others because the institution operates as if it knows what is best for everyone.  Bureacracies kill the inherent good available through diversity and abundance.    Bureacracies harness and limit, drive and ultimately discourage.

Being Rewired means we can come home to human nature and generate new ways from our origin, making better use of all we have learned from witnessing history and its results bureacratic expansion  has  accrued.  Then we vision a way that would work much better ... and begin from scratch.  Bureacracies are the best industrial age man-power push-and-pull cart stage of  social living could make back then and there from available knowledge of human nature technology.

The problem currently is that once we peopled institutions  with layered and systematized man-power we also created appetites for keeping power and place easily simply through mastering that system.  More and more succumb to expecting and becoming dependent upon having particular resources derived from the ever-expanding corruptive nooks and cranies of layered bureaucracies.  Those at the top and those on their way up become lazy to learning new ways of being.  They become externally motivated ...and greedy for the goods "due" them.   And by hook or by crook, they want an ever more liberal slice of the pie lying at the end of the tunnel.

Staying in a repetitive system too long is like engaging repetitive action too long...its distorts muscle and capacity, it leads to no good.  Instead of enjoying the generative  thrill of "Carpe Dium,"  those stuck in repetivie systems suffer the plague of carpal tunnell.  The seduced refuse to adapt and adjust when the cheese gets moved (book reference)! Refusal turns into outright mean and nasty and multiple  ways of "locking arms," locking hearts & minds, ... and locking the gates to the top.  Remember, the top is simply another externally imposed ceiling on our true potential!  Striving for "the top," keeps us stuck in the illusion of striving, of progressing.  We entertain the illusion of  being "progressive."

More legislation, more "locking," more "outside" control is not the antidote! War doesn't end war, no more than hating curbs hatred, or shouting brings peace. Hateful thoughts and back-biting does not reduce aggression (it sharpens our anti-social teeth).  Nor does victim-identification free our bodies, minds and spirits to overcome hurdles and obstacles inwardly first, then in the world around us.   Authentic union  is never achieved through divisive talk, thought, behaving.  Old wiring just gets thicker, more brittle.  It becomes the line, the story by which we all suffer further the ultimate loss of contributions that were never made to our community together through each individual exercsing his/her own ingenuity and generativity.

The antidote to old, out-dated, worn-out thinking and being is simple really.  It's easier than jerry-rigging a broken artifact to generate something innovative never intended.  It's easier than starting from scratch! Start from our seasoned experience now updated and reinforced  and rewired ...the new scratch!

How?  Return to our origins ...our updated knowledge of human nature and how systems of people do and can work, then construct anew from the currency of all we have witnesed, learned, envisioned.  Why not fix the old? Imagine the costs to human and natural resources if the socialist Greek  state were to jerry-rig the Parthenon so it could serve as an apartment house for all those loosing government subsidies in bankrupt Greece. Imagine installing air-conditioning and internet in an ancient structure designed for life of an entirely more primitive era!   So it is when we waste our time fixing a lost cause.  

Instead, return to nature and work from principles.  (Name the principles you will work by ... and match the integrity of each effort to the principle, which can be modified to match reality.)  Try this simple approach with something small you desire in your day right now.  Simply affirm the characteristics of human nature within and around you, name the principle(s)  you believe work reliably, and put into action what you think to be true.  Engage Being Rewired.
And's a dynamic process..nothing will stay the  same if it's living according to nature!