Thursday, September 22, 2011

Campaign For Consciousness ... take the 40 day challenge?

If we really want to generate a change in the world around us, we do this best by creating a change from within ourselves.  Be the change we seek.  Deviate from the hum-drum in a significant way...and others can feel the difference, want to experience that difference as well. Rewire yourself... for the better!

Try this affirmation and notice what difference it makes each time you affirm the good within and around over the remaining days.  If you find a shift in perspective that you would like to experience more consistently, come visit us, join with us at

September 10th ~ October 19th                     40 Days of Daily Affirmation 
We believe in a universe that celebrates the extraordinary!  Consciously, we 
attune to the good around us, among us and within us.  We see beauty, hear harmony, 
and speak gratitude. 

Together, we release any collective habits of finding the negative.  As we value and 
support the good in each moment, waste and neglect are obsolete.  We co-create a world 
where our talents, ideas, and mindful intentions move forward swiftly, engineering 

Everywhere we look, merit is revealed. No good goes unnoticed. Paying it forward, we 
speak up when we see great good shared.  We give our time, energy and attention to that 
which we want to expand.  As we affirm this realization, its activity multiplies.  We 
acknowledge, we admire and we inspire.