Friday, December 23, 2011

Atlas Shrugged and Orwell's 1984 become indicators of need to shift

A C-Span interview with Professor Turley re avenues of thought that lead to erosion of our privacy rights follows:

My  response: interesting use of terms "shrugged and yawned" Turley used(16:40) after  our last night's viewing of  Atlas Shrugged (April 2011 release) 
... mass public apathy is a dangerous thing, a slippery slope, and has a progressive momentum (oxymoron) known as mental inertia (represented in politically correct social stands of characters in George Orwell's 1984) 
... I appreciate Turley's recognition of and refererence to the current Orwellian political scene.  Atlas Shrugged  also is replete with thought-forms, decisions, and the local/national results thereof 
... levels of impact on the general public's future capacity to recover a balance of power
... events in the plot mimic how far too many of our current government officials operate outside the perimeters imposed upon ordinary citizens AND beyond the reach of necessary checks and balances (note: congressmen/women writing and revising laws in order to benefit financially through their insider trading and arranging "land deals" ... read Peter Schwiezer's Throw Them All Out)  

It behooves us to look into the hidden agendas of politicians, political party-lines, media interpretations and use of "the news" to influence viewer interpretation and distract from underlying issues, etc.
At the end of the day, it's up to each individual to consider the source of what "leaders" (currently another oxymoron) may want us to hear, may want us to think about their  purported intentions, and then lift the veils around each source of media/speeches/propaganda. Best not to believe anything others tell us until we actually experience it ourselves behooves human beings to begin learning early in life to tolerate ambiguity, emotional discomfort and mental uncertainty.  

Otherwise, we tend to too readily take on "tribal" viewpoints and fall prey to joining in mass delusions (e.g. recent Wall Street "protest" camps), give over individual responsibility to think for ourselves (gullibly take in bylines and party lines hook, line, and sinker), forget that unless we exercise our own muscles we remain weak. 

There's a human tendency to avoid cognitive dissonance, and other thoughts that disturb our too fragile peace of mind (from lack of exercise).  There's also the overwhelming tendency to "project" our personal reality/beliefs onto others around us ...including those we want to trust because we elected them (and revising our past beliefs, decisions, and behaviors can feel VERY uncomfortable ...a la the blind spots that can results from "cognitive dissonance"). The common-denominator  politician changes his/her "position" so often to get and then keep votes. They poli-speak to the many different projected realities of their constituents (re The Projection Principle by Weinberg and Rowe).

Bottomline: keep an open mind, stay on my individual path, study-discuss-dialogue, vote VERY carefully, ... and carry a big stick because we live in a wildly diverse animal kingdom.  Think about it...  

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Take Me To Truth (...undoing the ego), by Sanchez and Vieira (2007

We just began our inquiry into the "current" nature and structure of national/local news reporting.  My cousin Deb asked an important question about the process, focus and function of  "the news" in her email that highlighted the extraordinary generosity of Maine's Worcester Wreathe Company.  Since 1992, it's owner has donated and delivered a sizable red-ribboned wreathe to each soldier buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

The email (Snope-checked BTW) questioned why this story hasn't been played forward by and through our national news programs.  Tim and I have time to pay attention to lots of news programs and we monitor the stations to see the difference in their structures, process, focus.  The implicit and explicit communication factors abound! We've witnessed myriad processes that clearly shape the message that results unless viewers watch critically, consciously.

Comparing and contrasting the dispensing of news among the different stations, various processes become notable: ignoring, highlighting, repeating, spinning differential interpretations, "recontextualizing" information, minimizing, juxtaposing, and encapsulating events in ways that clearly shape inferences that can be drawn by the non-discriminating the viewer/listener.

Very little objective information is presented to simple viewers/listeners during the "Six O'clock" news.  To derive actual, unadulterated information, seekers  of "What is happening?" have to comb through many different sources and continue to follow day by day evolution of a slowly emerging truth.

Who has time for this long and dragged out journey of discovery? Not many in these days of complex and shifting households, exhausted parents, sleep-deprived commuters,  and a general public that suffers numbness from technology-induced over stimulation.

This is an invitation to those of  us who do have the time!  This time in our human history, this time in our national coming of age becomes our opportunity to engage in home schooling ...of an entirely different kind!  Retired elders can make time throughout the day to study what's happening, how it is happening, and vision what could happen in better, more principled ways! Instead of being despondent about the national an world events (as I used to be, thus avoiding exposure to it entirely), we can vision  bits of news as current perceptions/events on their way to becoming something more principle-based, more substantially good for all, more aligned with universal truths.

Retired elders have the psychological and collective resources to take this important role in society!  The pivotal position is currently unfilled across our sociological life-span.  We sport longevity in life experiences and an historic wealth under our belts.  Psychologically, retired elders have effectively sharpened their brains daily in the marketplace and have acquired a certain metal, capacity for broader vision, a practiced wealth of perspectives, the realization that there are many different perspectives and that we can project these onto the external world both wisely ... and more often than not: erroneously.

Take Me To Truth (p. 43) reminds us that, "Fear tricks us into states of confusion, anxiety, and dread.  In this book, we hope to expose and demystify fear's illusory game and provide an empowering alternative to its deluded intent.  Almost all the fear we experience is unnecessary and debilitating.  The only real fear we may need to listen to in this world is immediate physical threat, the type that is instinctual and gives us no time to think."

On page 42, the authors help us remember what we invariably discover from the gift of longevity: "Love can flourish only in the absence of fear because fear distorts our perception and blinds us with a cloud of confusion.  Love, being opposite to fear, is an endless energy that knows only how to extend (or share) itself, and, by so doing, it increases both for the giver and the receiver. Most of us have been conditioned to know fear more than Love, because that is what our world's culture invests in."

I believe we have entered our nation's early adult stage: learning to make deeper distinctions among the purported messages supplied through our apparently preferred leaders.  We are on the brink of reconsidering the matching of their stories with the results of their actions...and how those results align with our real needs.  of disillusionment with and distrust of institutional leaders/processes.  We've gone beyond the sixties when we expressed distrust for parental and institutional authority in general.

Over the past forty years, we thought if only we had the right leaders, we would have the right life.  Still operating under the illusion that any reliable leadership can be found outside our own selves struggling to sort through challenging experience and taking the consequences as they are simply bound to come, our nation went with the apparent "savior."  We still politically, as a sociological mass, actually wanted a parent! Why not, as children we experienced that activating our parents can save us from doing the work ourselves.  Parents who do their kids' work (walk our own path)  ultimately and erroneously communicate to offspring that they (adults) will assume responsibility for making the mistakes, the messes.  But in truth, we each make mistakes and messes of our own accord.  How can we not? We cannot know everything there is to know so as not to guess erroneously .

Alanis expresses this leap of understanding with elegance:

Elders  have the time to pay attention in a continual and ongoing fashion to the bits and pieces of "news" abounding outside of ourselves.  Elders can make time to compare and contrast, discuss and dialogue, detect and research, read-think-report free of charge (that's a pun ... "news" is rarely reported without a significant "charge" that reflects the "projection" of the particular tribe that reports the news.

In fact, we might more accurately conceptualize presentations of the  six o'clock news  hours, not as reporting but as news purporting.  Think of the news as being purported, not reported.  That shift in consciousness might help us question more persistently, more objectively, that which we hear from institutionalized "news" ... and consider politicians as playing a role, the purportors of a perception, a projection, a party line,  a hook for your vote.

Hmmmmm, think about it... independently... for as long as it takes to uncover the truth lying beneath a wide array of bits and pieces scattered across a polished political surface.

Retired Responsibilities to Rewire What We Find Around Us

I took time to respond to my dear cousin Deb this morning.  She sent me a picture of Arlington Cemetery dotted with gorgeous Christmas Wreaths all donated by a very generous gentleman from the Worcester Wreathe Company of Maine, with no mention by news stations in the New York area.  She asked why the news neglects good news like this piece.  

Tim and I have been asking variations on this "news reports" topics for several weeks now, so I shared our noticing with Deb. I wrote
" ... since with Tim who "studies" the news reports of national and world events, I've noticed that most station news reports reveal symptoms of "attention deficit disorder," 
  1. perseverating re sensational pieces (e.g. the battered and bruised Herman Kane and his wife Gloria) whether reports are true or not (and drumming it relentlessly into viewers consciousness until people begin to believe what they see and hear repeatedly)
  2. suddenly dropping updates on news that every one's been following religiously (Baby Lisa from Kansas City)
  3. blindly ignoring news/updates re issues pivotal to our collective well being (government overspending, Obama's misuse of our money harnessed from taxes which he gave to "green" campaign supporters knowing these ventures were going belly up (and had insured provisions in advance to protect and pay off the company holders)
  4. and speaking of "holders," how do most news stations fail to piece together Eric Holder's series of actions taken against states who try to uphold law-breaking illegal immigrants crossing our borders from Mexico (again costing those of us who have worked hard to provide tax money that supports entire generations of  illegal aliens)
  5. Hmmmm, I think I will blog this on my "Respectfully Rewired" site ... and add to it as I notice more examples
  6. Bottom line: we who have the time to pay attention to what goes on around us need to use the power of our words and vision to lift peoples' expectation of news reporters to a higher level of thought and operation.  They need a mass spiritual treatment program for whenever they display symptoms of sociological ADD!
  7. Will you and your Tillson Ladies of The Morning Prayer Circle join me in my high watch to raise the consciousness and integrity levels of our nation's political leaders (including those from all three branches), news stations and news reporters, the working and non-working general public who listen to the ADD-laden reports without requiring better than "that?" 
  8. Knowing you will ... and claiming the power inherent (but too often left unactivated) in our thoughts, words, and actions ...I am glad we have this work to do at this stage of our lives."
And I put this noticing out on the global kitchen table ...what are we willing to notice and nurture into greater integrity in the world within us and around us????

Friday, December 2, 2011

Revisiting 2011's affirmation ... today, and each day (to perceive even deeper meaning )

Visit the site of origin: 

2011 Affirmation...
We believe in a universe that celebrates the extraordinary!  Consciously, we 
attune to the good around us, among us and within us.  We see beauty, hear harmony, 
and speak gratitude. 

Together, we release any collective habits of finding the negative.  As we value and 
support the good in each moment, waste and neglect are obsolete.  We co-create a world 
where our talents, ideas, and mindful intentions move forward swiftly, engineering 

Everywhere we look, merit is revealed. No good goes unnoticed. Paying it forward, we 
speak up when we see great good shared.  We give our time, energy and attention to that 
which we want to expand.  As we affirm this realization, its activity multiplies.  We 
acknowledge, we admire and we inspire.