Sunday, April 15, 2012

Moving on? ... Or Moving Out of a free fish mentality. Anyone, with enough time on task, can become a master fisher!

So I recieved an email from a friend today.  She expressed appreciation for my recent writing forwarded to her.  I had addressed the importance of moving out of the constrictive field of remaining forever young in the world of "politically correctness,"  which has become a good and compassionate personage club.  Making sure we are being pc is living in fear of not belonging.  In family systems, this is analogous to fear of abandonment.  

Unhealthy families push shame and guilt on members...shunning, namecalling, distaining.  Sounds like the same strategies of social coersion to toe the party line used by public rulemakers governing from the land of  "Politically Correct."  Yes, we can change the words we attach to some entity or dynamic, but renaming doesn't change the essence.  Politically correct is a coersion dynamic used to keep "nice" "generous" "compassionate" people quiet.  Shhhhhhh, your success might hurt his feelings...unless you give him half of it...maybe more.  A concept has energy and vibration...and we all feel the truth when we stop worrying long enough.

I've been tentative for months now - really to make certain I'd been investigating and cross-checking the political panorama sufficiently to trust my perceptions, and facts.  One day, I got it: I'd studied sufficiently enough that I knew what I was talking about.  The connections were undeniable. That moment dawned clearly, as did the moment I knew I'd mastered concepts and interconnections from studying the 67 texts required for my written and oral doctoral preliminary examination. (1975) (I received commendation for far more than acing those great bodies of information and know-how.) 

To keep my mouth shut after this most recent (2012) "Ah-Ha" has become would be irresponsible.  

From my trainiing and experience in both education and psychology, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that ignoring bullies and their escalation of risky behavior actually expands bad behavior in quality and quantity.  Like a wildfire uncontained, it escalates further, consuming everything in its path.  EGO fully shows up in politicians and institutions no differently than in individuals. Institutionalized EGO ...abstracted, leveraged, active with survival agenda, may be the most dangerous of all egos in operation on this planet.... it never stops wanting more... until it is no more.

And this is just what has happened historically: The progressive movement of the twenties (appropriate geared to educating the masses and protecting children from working to support their families morphed.  It kept the label, but morphed by nature into "liberal thought," which in turn curried influence from socialist thinkers.  More recently a really radical left crawled inside the political institution and they thrive on discord, divisveness, class warfare, and revolution.  They fan flames of divisiveness (and entitlement thinking) as they move through neighborhoods of unrest.  Experienced community organizers, they know what works to get people feeling their pain bodies!

Through more frequent, more vocifereous, and  strategic use of practiced phrases and postures they camouflage "personal reflections" to pass as compassion.  They move their agenda through popular consciousness like cereal advertizers do on children traveling through supermarket aisles.  Clever and wiley, such "leaders" repeatedly reference the race card, the if-you-earn-lots of money-you MUST HAVE played by some "other" rules  card, the women-are-abused card, etc. etc.  They profit by the populace staying still in past pain.  The Hunger Games (2012) is a brilliant  film, rendering a possible future spawn of such tactics, such cunning, such calulating.

Personally, I matured into my current place of breaking this shame & guilt regulated socially acceptable be-good silence. From a quiet place of prayerful consideration, I compared political policies/statements with prosperity practice principles. I realized that I am doing my nation and the ones I love a deep disservice by being politely silent when I hear statements I know don't fit their personal beliefs ... and how they have worked to earn  their livings and raise their children to think independently and be respnsible caring adults willing to work diligently and creatively.  

One day, at a family event, I stopped behaving in politically correct ways,  publicly.  After an eight month study of our political scene, I was wlling to say what I learned from connecting the dots: Obama practices thinking and behaving and commentary that is way out of line with prosperity principles.  Practicing ways to divide our nation is not only not Unity thinking, but it counters the intent and framework of our nation's constitution. We are based on diversity...each state is different geographically and governs differently...locally.

Once I allowed myself to think these thoughts, I realized that what Obama is doing is not only not helpful, nor practicing prosperity consciousness ... he downright passes the buck, distorts, incites division, and behaves legislatively as a full-blooded socialist does.  He was not vetted properly the way we have done for past presidents I have witnessed ... the media "protected" him -which is what happens with the good child in sick family systems.  (So who is controlling which media networks???) And what is their ultimate economic agenda for America? for themselves? )  Any candidate for a job (especially Presendent) does not need the path made easy, does not need affirmative action strategies operating on theri behalf to ensure they win.  If a leader is authentically well-suited to the job at hand, s/he  deserves opportunity to lead through true merit.  S/he does not need media protection...s/he needs vetting to strengthen even further his/her integrity (as life does).

During my career, I was so consumed in "helping" people empower themselves to be successful in their lives that I had no time (nor energy) to follow national/world issues.  Also, I trusted that my labor union was giving an impartial review of political parties and candidates and laws proposed.  I know differently now that unions are tribal.  They in fact feed Obamas' campaign as do the ever popularized green energy profiteers busy structuring dynamics as does Monsanto genetically alter seeds that now we have to continue to purchase their packs of seeds each season.  Seeds from ouf fruit and vegetables no longer grow themselves when planted.  I also know that when almost 50% of our population is not paying taxes of any kind, they are not vested in what goes on behind the very observable scenes. Thus,  we have an empowerment & personal responsibility problem that has burgeoned from ingratiating political policies that promise to give people free fish, instead of teaching them to fish. 

So,  I consider it my responsibility (retired with time to study) to follow the issues carefully and our national security warnings: See something ---Say something :) No more need for citizens to pull the race card, nor the women's rights card.  Pulling cards feeds a mentality of victimization...and that is encouraged only in sick families.  

And a great book study is Spiritual Economics by Eric Butterworth.  He makes a strong and steadfast case for erasing the outworn victimization mentality with prosperity thinking locally, nationally,  globally.  

Another great book is Blacklash, by Deneen BorelliDeneen is an African American who espouses conservative thinking, which is actually prosperity thinking.  Deneen says more and more conservative Blacks are beginning to speak out and will no longer be silent  for fear of being name called and ostracized by those who have a power or greed agenda. Reading Deneen shone light on the bigger picture and underlying dynamics of continual big money made by outdated civil rights leaders through inciting old thinking to keep an entire people enslaved in victimization thinking.

Something is deeply off track, contricting, and unhealthy when we experience social fear of disagreeing with public policies...this has shown up for so many people I know  in relationships, social circles, and national forums.  No one wants to be thought of as a racist, a woman hater, a person who lacks compassion for our brothers and sisters on the planet.  But we must know ur selves from the inside out...and not fold at agenda-based name-calling.

Public policies that waste hard-earned tax dollars,  drain resources, ignore resources available now, constrict creative enterprise, reward entropy, enculturate an ongoing sense of entitlement, damage initiative,  and require homogenization ... well these lead down a "beaten" path.  We choose instead to rise up and put to full use our Twelve Powers (Unity Village, MO) ...and personally I tingle inside when I tithe to sources of empowerment thinking!!!

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