Friday, April 27, 2012

Blacklash, by Daneen Borelli

Our new author is a conservative African American woman, engaged as a Fellow at a political institute in Washington, D.C.  She reports that years passed by before she became politically aware, and finally, politically engaged.  This is her first best-seller: Blacklash (2011). 

The format below offers our readers a focus question, then our author's report -followed by analysis and synthesis ...drawing inferences from Blacklash and current events covered daily by media (ABC,CBS,CNN, FOX, NBC). 

Reading Question #1
What if our current federal government had an energy policy permitting industry to develop our wealth of natural resources?

Daneen reports this background on US adult opinion:
  • 50% believe we should increase production of  domestic oil by allowing drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (where it is actually barren)
  • 67% support offshore oil drilling
  • 76% claim the government isn't doing enough to develop our own gas and oil resources
So what's wrong with Barack Obama's behaving, thinking
He's had (and still does) his campaign hands in the pockets of the Big Green Gods of Energy Experiments!

And what's wrong with that?
  1. Experiments take time to sort the good from the bad (Remember Solyndra Solar Panels??? And sundry others in bed with Barack???) (Remember the research that said smoking cigarettes, eating margarine, and using trans fats did no harm?)
  2. American families need reliable, inexpensive energy now...not wait fifty years from now.
  3. Practicing authentic  Prosperity Consciousness means honoring what we have now...not ignoring it, dismissing it, sanctioning it, discarding it, preventing access!
  4. Our United States deserves to be free of entanglement with terrorist nations determined to destroy "infidels." 
  5. We DO NOT NEED THEIR OIL ...we have more than enough of our own...right here...right now!  (Why does Barack, like an addicted father in an unhealthy relationship, work so hard to maintain our UNNECESSARY DEPENDENCE on those who hate US?  
  6. Any solid Family Systems therapist would ask What's in it for Barack? How's that working for US?
Author's Perspective: 
"The President needs to shake loose from the corporate and environmental activist special interest groups that have influenced his policy and reverse the course and adopt a pro-growth energy strategy.  

There is something wrong when the corporate and social elite (Barack Obama, et. al) can use their power of government to advance their narrow interests while harming the standard of living of hardworking Americans, denying us our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

Appendix 1, Kindle 83%

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