Sunday, January 16, 2011

Something in the wisdom of the past ...and bringing it forward now

  • There's a children's music CD entitled, Bloom Where Your Are Planted.

I bought it for my daughters over thirty years ago, when it was an "album."  It's ideas are so classic to the harmonious development of childhood ideas about growing and changing, that the album is currently a CD.

The title idea ... Bloom Where Your Are Planted... came to mind this morning during my yoga session.  The sun streamed in the windows as I stretched into each asana in a sequence I have come to love because I benefit internally from each pose.  I rest in each pose... and in resting, images flowing through my mind are reflected.  Words came with the reflection we write about here. 

Later, I arranged a Medicine Wheel session for myself to further examine, then integrate these words reflected on the still waters of my mind during yoga: Bloom Where Your Are Planted .  

Here's what  came to mind:  

  • A seed's germinating is compromised when motion diminishes access to nutrients and a place to rest, secure itself, engage it's sprouting process, secure rooting, draw in further nutrients
  • to  Bloom Where Your Are Planted,  we need acess to rest and security so that our continual process is undisturbed, 
  • In environments that do not ensure sufficient rest and security, sprouts are easily uprooted -withering and dying follows.
  • applied to human beings, the germinating and sprouting process needs protection and preservation 
  • consider this concept: "necessary and sufficient"and apply it to our intention, our effort
  • consider this concept: "ecosystem" and apply it to systematized dynamics
  • how do unhealthy systems stay in balance?and do they all finally collapse/
  • what is necessary and sufficient to create a system in authentic balance? sustainable balance?
  • to ensure the growing that scaffolds the blooming process -both within an individual, and between and among people (physicially, emotionally, ideationally, personality-wise and relationally) 
    • because being disturbed ... or not sufficiently nurtured... impairs the blooming process.  To what extent does it also initiate a coping/disease process?
    • how does the idea of "necessary and sufficient" bring us more clarity as we our think about seeding? sprouting? blooming? designing healthier dynamics? designing healthier systems ecosystem?
    • When is an effort "necessary and sufficient"to bring about an intention?
    • To what extent is "necessary and sufficient"
    • how can we use this information to develop plans for marriage-making?
    • how may we consider how to create a home for both individuals and the union?
    • how can we use this information to consider our home's capacity to sustain a child across childhood and adolesence?
    • and finally how can we model and educate our children so that they are able to sustain themselves upon adulthood?
  • Rest with just one choice question above.  Let that question simply rest in the stillness of your mind, as a small boat floats upon the still waters
  • Imagine this boat/question traveling organically through the four seasons from spring through winter...evolving as it naturally does without any push or pull externally
  • Respectfully consider now the evolved ideas bloomed during their journey through the seasons -after the winter thaw, -after the boats return to shore: What do your discover? Blog it...

Additional quests to rest with, blog about:
Do we eschew REST because we are addicted to stimulation or certain kinds?

Are we afraid of reflection natural to stillness?

Do we confuse stillness with emotional dying because we have only skimmed it's luminous surface?

Here we enter the depths of rest together and find within REST's  inherent values, respectfully.

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