I blog, twitter, and email research I review re choices and principles of both "parties" to
- develop issue conversation among family and friends who are conscious of being conservative, but mostly to
- enlighten many of my family and friends who think they are "liberal" (sounds like a positive word...like liberty: but "liberal" has morphed to become a misnomer). In fact, the way they live their lives, balance their budgets, allocate money, cultivate self-directed and responsible kids, ... and teach their students in school, indicate they are at heart true conservatives ( desperate to be perceived as "nice" people - quick to display "politically correct" ways.
I am sharing this with you because I think Mitt can awaken a substantial segment of the population who are dreaming the sounds-nice "liberal" dream
- not knowing that what they support with words, taking sides, and votes is completely out of alignment with how they live their day to day lives, and
- out of alignment with what many low income and middle class will want in place for their children in the future
- but don't connect the dots: Socialism isn't working in Europe
- and don't read Obama signs accurately... And he has been setting up a failing socialist infrastructure here.
- As a retired educator and psychologist, I look back and see that our social studies curriculum N-12 (designed for unifying multicultural American citizens) has been wildly extrapolated to include Islamic terrorists, illegal aliens, and the political correctness of redistributing wealth from those who work to those who'd rather not.
- are brainwashed by consumer mentality (which grown up becomes entitlement)
- have been shaped by commercial advertising's push to be popular - socially desirable, politically correct.
- which trades independent thinking for "belonging"(tribal affiliation), and forfeits use of common sense.
Please pray with me for the coming of age -enlightenment- of each NICE, but politically asleep American dreaming politically correct dreams about how we all will truly prosper in the world -such as it is, without looking closely at
- the nature of our differences in creed and practice (from the motivations of congressional lobbyists to tyrants in the Middle East)
- and what real and present differences require in dynamics to bring about balance and better possibilities both economically and in foreign relations and regard for energy resources
I believe in the power of images -and your card reveals the benevolent care and attention present in your family. Your family's integrity comes across as authentic. It provides a palpable backdrop for understanding and sensing how Mitt conducts his life in the marketplace, public office. More of these...and more of Mitt in all his engagements... can only generate more palpable presence.
Your courage to share publicly that which is truly personal of your family serves as a solid counter-balance to the fabrications, false intimations, intended distractions and distortions published and promulgated by too many unethical "liberal" educated hooligans -masquerading under the guise of news reporters, political analysts, journalists. Indeed, "...they know not what they do" because many forty and under are mesmerized by the new theology of political correctness.
If many who claim identification with "liberal" actually opened their minds to pure information instead of interpretations, they would begin to think more deeply than superficial, peer behind the "staged, " listen beneath the disguise. They would learn how the meaning and practice of the word "liberal" has changed, what was long ago "progressive" has gone beyond its shelf life and is now regressive. Instead of gulping down the propaganda pablum Unions provide on a regular basis, they might research issues and connect the dots. Eventually, from exercising independent thought, they would encounter missing-the-mark nature of thinking and practices which precipitated our current state of economy and world affairs.
So Ann and Mitt, I think you are wise to continue to walk the high road bringing attention -like patient parents of adolescent thinkers - repeatedly back to real and substantial issues of philosophy and principles currently on the American table. Congratulations for behaving as the real adults during smear campaign tactics. It's dirty, but it's the best Obama's got. I pray for your growing capacity to
- pull back the curtain of Oz, revealing how Obama does without a teleprompter and the nature of America he would prefer to institute
- call all groups of Americans to a Dr Phil session where each can judge for themselves how Obama's redistributed and reconstituted America has worked for them, and when played out fully will work for them as he pulls out the stoppers and releases his restraint ( only just begun laying the foundation folks...)
I am glad I tithed financially this quarter to your campaign, but I am even better prepared and resourced to use my words to shed light on the dark spots and the blind spots through electronic communications with everyone I know. As you generate additional electronic ways of bringing Mitt home, I will be happy to do my part - sharing them widely.
"Wanna-be-liberals," have been protected from bumping up against the real world through a NICE curriculum and NICE colleges. They need to be and deserve to be awakened from what they would eventually come to know as a nightmare...for living Obama's disguised dream would indeed become a heart-pounding nightmare for everyone but him and his elitist cronies. Wanna-be-liberals need to learn there are truer, fuller and more just ways of being good and compassionate citizens, that no one need conceptualize himself/herself as a victim in America. They need to learn that being politically correct is ideologically dangerous...it censors and constricts ability to think independently. It's clear we must be more careful about what and how we teach our children! Protection from reality after the age of twelve (brain development) is overprotection.
"Wanna-be-liberals," have been protected from bumping up against the real world through a NICE curriculum and NICE colleges. They need to be and deserve to be awakened from what they would eventually come to know as a nightmare...for living Obama's disguised dream would indeed become a heart-pounding nightmare for everyone but him and his elitist cronies. Wanna-be-liberals need to learn there are truer, fuller and more just ways of being good and compassionate citizens, that no one need conceptualize himself/herself as a victim in America. They need to learn that being politically correct is ideologically dangerous...it censors and constricts ability to think independently. It's clear we must be more careful about what and how we teach our children! Protection from reality after the age of twelve (brain development) is overprotection.
I look forward to a wealth of opportunities to share Mitt's wisdom, strength, political philosophy and principles. I will do my best to bring truth "home," ...into the forefront, into families, into the individual electronic settings of the forty-somethings and younger.
Heidi Bach, PhD
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