So I am thinking out loud this morning about this fascinating measurement of temperament -and how it's changed over the decades. In the eighties, my score indicated that I was a peacemaker. Now the instrument indicates that I am a Type 2: Helper (with Thinker next in line).
So has the instrument changed? Have I changed?
As I ask these questions, my mind reveals an image of the Six Blind-folded Wise Men ...
A Great Goddess had delivered deep in the night a special invitation to each representative of the other six continents. Upon awakening to the morning's light, each felt certain that he was called to Her gathering ... to demonstrate what he knew for sure, and thereby demonstrate an even greater truth.
After serving a delicious breakfast, tailored of course to the taste preferences of each wise man, Great Goddess ushered the men into a clearing sheltered by tall leafy trees and fragrant with the scent of orange blossom. Each wise man gracefully took the place set out for him around what appeared to be a Wheel of Seasons.
Furtively, each looked around at the placement of the others in relation to himself. Each inwardly wondered at the meaning of this. Certainly, every action and particle of matter has a meaning. Each man's mind raced to discover the meaning behind his position, relative to the others ... and what this would mean for his future. As each man's mind raced, he grew more inwardly excited. Wanting desperately to give voice to his concern, but unwilling to look ignorant -for certainly he should be able to discern the meaning of this - each man twitched in his place. Each man made little clearing sounds in his throat, and released mighty exhalation sounds (approximating, "HERUMPH").
For what seemed an eternity, the wise men sat together in this circle. They looked askance at the other s from the corners of their eyes. They herumphed and twitched and recentered themselves as best they could in a situation such as this. Momentarily, Great Goddess smiled upon them from her sudden appearance from North on the Wheel of Seasons, "Please know that your presence here is very appreciated, even essential to the Legacy of Truth we bequeath to all who follow us. Do you have any needs that require our attention before we begin our purpose here today?"
Furtively, once more, the six sets of eyes seemed to search the faces and demeanor of all those around the circle. Since no one wanted to be the first to seem not enlightened, but lacking in some way albeit endurance, stamina, focus, shrewdness, even patience -not a single request was voiced aloud. Great Goddess allowed all the time needed to connect eye to eye with each man in her presence -awaiting his articulation of need. When no needs were expressed, she honored their communications to herself and to each other, "Well then. We may begin. From the sky soon will drop a mask without eyes. When it falls into your lap, please reach for your mask and place it securely over you face. Keep this mask in place for the duration of our experiment forthcoming.
Please nod agreement if you feel full understanding of what is expected of you."
All six men nodded and with the final nod masks fell into their laps from the sky. Each man secured his mask, twitching and gurgling as quietly as possible -as all sound seemed even louder now in their respective darkness. The air began to tingle and clothing clung to each one sitting in this circle unbroken. One could hear a pin drop. The men tried to hide the sounds of their own quickened breathing... but each could certainly hear the others. Anxiety mounted with each measured exhalation.
Suddenly, the earth beneath each man rumbled, followed by the scent of something odious, mysterious, indiscernible. From the North this scent grew stronger and the air moved around each man so that he knew he was in the presence of something powerful, significant, and large enough to get his full attention. "It is among us my friends. The time has come to use all the wisdom available to each of you. Listen carefully to my directions, and know that throughout this experience you are indeed safe. Nothing can harm you. Simply do as I direct and rely on the great source of knowing within you for the response I will request of you. Remember, your response will contribute to not only our Legacy of Truth, but perhaps more importantly the Legacy of Truth Finding."
With that, Great Goddess shared that before each man was something indeed that mattered, something sacred, something to be discerned. Each man was to remain where he was planted, but from that place he could use all senses but his eyes to discern what was before him. He could take all the time he needed. He could ask as many questions as he wished aloud, and Great Goddess would share the information requested. When each man was satisfied he knew the nature of what was before him, he was to lie down and rest. When all men were resting, their research would conclude. Great Goddess would seek from each man the conclusions drawn from his experience. Once all men were heard, Great Goddess would allow them to remove their masks. A shared discussion about truth and truth finding would follow.
What do you suppose happened next?
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